Let's Play, Guess that GOP Candidate
Romney Gingrich
Santorum Paul
Have you been paying attention to the republican primaries? Well, you need to since a lot of things hang in the balance during this election year … health care, the economy, education (just to name a few). And for purely selfish reasons, knowing what’s going on will make you appear smarter to your friends, impress your professors, and make you look less like a typical, self-absorbed college student (even if you really are one).
At the very least, you can check out the Daily Show or The Colbert Report on a nightly basis. They actually do a pretty good job of keeping their viewers current on the most important happenings – and they are hilarious.
But, for those of you who have been paying attention, I thought it would be fun to play a little game called, “Guess that GOP Candidate.” It’s really simple to play; all you have to do is read the quotes below, try to guess which remaining GOP candidate made that statement, and then hover your mouse over "WHO SAID THIS" to see if you are right.
Guess that GOP Candidate!
So how’d you do? And for those of you who’ve never heard these quotes before -- I know what you’re thinking, but no, I did not makes this stuff up (follow the links in the answers if you don’t believe me). This is really what we’re dealing with here, and come November one of these braniacs will have a 50/50 chance at being the next commander and chief … scary thought.
Topic: Let's Play, Guess that GOP Candidate
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